Strategic Management and Planning

Key Information
Total Qualification Time (TQT) 
Guided Learning Hours (GLH) 
Grading Structure 
Fail / Pass / Merit / Distinction
Delivery Details
Awarding Body
Module Overview

The overall aim of this unit is to provide strategic leaders with the knowledge, skills, and opportunities to make informed, ethical, and effective decisions in various organisational contexts. It also focuses on applied research methods, equality, diversity, and inclusion, mental health and wellbeing, data and information management, and leading strategic change. The module aims to facilitate strategic decision making and add value to the organisation, while also addressing important issues related to diversity, mental health, and change management. Together, these enable strategic leaders to develop an evidence-based understanding of applied research methods, critically assess structural inequality and the impact of mental health on organisational performance, understand the strategic value and use of data and information, and understand the scope, context, and complexity of leading strategic change. The module culminates in leaders being given the opportunity to propose solutions, develop strategic priorities, and develop proposals for leading strategic change.

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